A Phenomenological Revision of E. E. Harris's Dialectical Holism


Erschienen am 12.10.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
124,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783030650292
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 354 S., 4.13 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The purpose of this work is to critically assess Errol E. Harriss process philosophy in the face of contemporary research in the special sciences. Harris devoted his life to grappling with the big questions concerning the relationships between nature, mind, and knowledge. His 70-plus year career was distinguished, his texts on the history of philosophy, philosophy of science, political philosophy, philosophy of religion, and consciousness were widely published, and yet his metaphysics has until now remained excluded from mainstream discussions. This books contention is that Harriss work reveals as yet unnoticed connections between theories in numerous scientific disciplines ranging from psychology to cosmology and that an examination of certain theories within these disciplines may serve to strengthen his original arguments. This work maintains that the resulting metaphysics frames a transdisciplinary paradigm shift and provides a viable solution to the hard problem of consciousness.


James Schofield earned a BA in anthropology from Plymouth State University, USA, an MA in consciousness studies from Goddard College, USA, and his PhD in philosophy of science and mind from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. James is currently a lecturer of philosophy at Plymouth State University, USA.


Part 1. An Introduction to Dialectical Holism.- Chapter 1. The Need for a New Metaphysics.- Chapter 2. Harris's Holism and Contemporary Analogues. - Part 2. Dialectical Holism in Contemporary Cosmology. Chapter 3. Dialectical Holism in Space-Time and Particle Physics.- Chapter 4. Harris's Version of the Anthropic Principle.- Part 3. Towards a Dialectical Holist Theory of Evolution.- Chapter 5. Levels of Complexity in the Cosmos.- Chapter 6. A Teleonomic Philosophy of Biology.- Part 4. Dialectical Holism and the Metaphysics of Mind.- Chapter 7. Harris's Reformation of the Hard Problem.- Chapter 8. Bridging Philosophies of Consciousness and Cosmology - The Implications of Harris's System.- Appendix. The Principles of Dialectical Holism.

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