Risk Management in Life-Critical Systems


Erschienen am 10.10.2014, 1. Auflage 2014
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781118639368
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 422 S., 9.59 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Risk management deals with prevention, decision-making, action taking, crisis management and recovery, taking into account the consequences of unexpected events. The authors of this book are interested in ecological processes, human behavior, as well as the control and management of life-critical systems, which are potentially highly automated. Three main attributes define life-critical systems, i.e. safety, efficiency and comfort. They typically lead to complex and time-critical issues and can belong to domains such as transportation (trains, cars, aircraft), energy (nuclear, chemical engineering), health, telecommunications, manufacturing and services.

The topics covered relate to risk management principles, methods and tools, and reliability assessment: human errors as well as system failures, socio-organizational issues of crisis occurrence and management, co-operative work including humanmachine cooperation and CSCW (computer-supported cooperative work): task and function allocation, authority sharing, interactivity, situation awareness, networking and management evolution and lessons learned from Human-Centered Design.


Patrick Millot has been Full Professor at the University of Valenciennes in France since 1989. He conducts research on Automation Sciences, Artificial Intelligence and Human-Machine Systems (HMS). He is the author of approximately 200 publications and collective books. He has led several regional, national and international projects on supervisory control and transport safety.


Part 1. General Approaches for Crisis Management

1. Dealing with the Unexpected
Guy A. Boy

2. Vulnerability and Resilience Assessment of Infrastructures and Networks: Concepts and Methodologies
Eric Châtelet

3. The Golden Hour Challenge: Applying Systems Engineering to Life-Critical System of Systems
Jean-René Ruault

4. Situated Risk Visualization  in Crisis Management
Lucas Stéphane

5. Safety Critical Elements of the Railway System: Most Advanced Technologies and Process to Demonstrate and Maintain Highest Safety Performance
Stéphane Romei

6. Functional Modeling of Complex Systems
Morten Lind

Part 2. Risk Management and Human Factors

7. Designing Driver Assistance Systems in a Risk-based Process
Pietro Carlo Cacciabue

8. Dissonance Engineering for Risk Analysis: A Theoretical Framework
Frédéric Vanderhaegen

9. The Fading Line Between Self and System
René van Paassen

10. Risk Management: A Model for Procedure Use Analysis
Kara schmitt

11. Driver-Assistance Systems for Road Safety Improvement
Serge Boverie

Part 3. Managing Risk Via Human-Machine Cooperation

12. HumanMachine Cooperation Principles to Support Life-Critical Systems Management
Marie-Pierre Pacaux-Lemoine

13. Cooperative Organization for Enhancing Situation Awareness
Patrick Millot

14. A Cooperative Assistant for Deep Space Exploration
Donald Platt

15. Managing the Risks of Automobile Accidents Via HumanMachine Collaboration
Makoto Itoh

16. HumanMachine Interaction in Automated Vehicles: The ABV Project
Chouki Sentouh and Jean Christophe Popieul

17. Interactive Surfaces, Tangible Interaction: Perspectives For Risk Management
Christophe Kolski, Catherine Garbay, Yoann Lebrun, Fabien Badeig, Sophie Lepreux, René Mandiau and Emmanuel Adam

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