The Dorrington Deed-Box


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547371045
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 579 S., 0.79 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In Arthur Morrison's novel 'The Dorrington Deed-Box', readers are taken on a thrilling journey through the underbelly of Victorian London. Written in a concise and almost journalistic style, the book follows the exploits of private detective Mr. Horace Dorrington as he navigates the treacherous world of crime and deceit. Set against the backdrop of a rapidly changing society, the novel offers a unique perspective on the moral ambiguities of the time, and the lengths to which people would go in pursuit of power and wealth. Arthur Morrison, a former journalist, drew inspiration from his own experiences in the city to create a realistic and gritty portrayal of urban life. His keen eye for detail and sharp wit bring a sense of authenticity to the narrative, making 'The Dorrington Deed-Box' a compelling read for fans of detective fiction and Victorian literature. I highly recommend 'The Dorrington Deed-Box' to anyone interested in exploring the darker side of London's past, and to readers who appreciate a well-crafted mystery that keeps them guessing until the very end.


Arthur Morrison (18631945) was an English author and journalist, most famous for his realistic novels and stories about working-class life in London's East End. Born in Poplar, Middlesex, Morrison began his career as a clerk and later transitioned into journalism and writing. He developed a reputation for his vivid depictions of slum life and the struggles of the poor, which he portrayed with psychological depth and a keen eye for detail. His work is often associated with the Naturalist movement, and he is seen as a significant figure in the tradition of British social realism. Notable works by Morrison include 'A Child of the Jago' (1896), which presents a gripping narrative of a rough neighborhood, and 'Tales of Mean Streets' (1894), a collection that explores various themes of poverty and survival. His foray into detective fiction, 'The Dorrington Deed-Box' (1897), is a series of short stories featuring the unethical detective Dorrington, and stands as a counterpoint to the more noble detectives like Sherlock Holmes, thus adding a layer of moral ambiguity to the genre. Morrison's writing is characterized by its narrative drive, atmospheric settings, and a compassionate, if brutally honest, portrayal of life in the lower strata of society. His contribution to English literature is remembered for its pioneering exploration of themes that were largely ignored by the writers of his time.

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