She Would Be a Soldier

eBook - The Plains of Chippewa

Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
1,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547359401
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 43 S., 0.42 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


M. M. Noah's "She Would Be a Soldier" is a captivating historical novel set during the American Civil War. The book follows the journey of a young woman who disguises herself as a man in order to fight alongside her beloved brother in the war. The narrative is rich in historical details and vivid descriptions of the battlefield, offering readers a glimpse into the harsh realities of war and the struggles faced by women during this tumultuous time. Noah's prose is compelling and evocative, drawing readers into the emotional turmoil of the protagonist as she navigates the challenges of war and identity. The novel is a poignant exploration of gender roles and the human capacity for resilience in the face of adversity. M. M. Noah, a talented historical fiction writer, draws inspiration from her own family history and a deep passion for storytelling. With a background in history and a keen eye for detail, Noah brings authenticity and depth to her narrative, making "She Would Be a Soldier" a must-read for historical fiction enthusiasts. Her compelling characters and intricate plot make this novel a standout in the genre. I highly recommend "She Would Be a Soldier" to readers who enjoy historical fiction with strong female protagonists, vivid historical settings, and suspenseful storytelling. M. M. Noah's immersive writing style and compelling characters will keep readers engaged from the first page to the last, offering a unique perspective on the Civil War era and the strength of the human spirit.


M. M. Noah is an author whose historical insights and narrative prowess are exemplified in the work 'She Would Be a Soldier.' While specific details on Noah's life and career trajectory remain scarce, their contribution through this book offers a window into the author's literary capabilities and thematic interests. The novel, set against a backdrop of conflict, explores themes of bravery, identity, and the societal expectations of gender roles, as reflected in the title. Noah's storytelling weaves a careful blend of historical detail with the personal journeys of the characters, offering a rich tapestry that engages both the intellect and emotions of readers. This book not only crafts a vivid world for its characters to inhabit but also raises important questions about the role of women in times of war and the nature of heroism. M. M. Noah's 'She Would Be a Soldier' thus stands as an important work within the genre of historical fiction, as it delves into the often-unheard voices and experiences of women warriors in the annals of history, and presents a narrative that is as enlightening as it is compelling. As an author, M. M. Noah evokes the spirit of a time past while maintaining a resonant message for contemporary society one that continues to be relevant in discussions about gender, warfare, and the human capacity for courage.

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