The American Union Speaker


Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547351948
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 511 S., 0.84 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


John D. Philbrick's book, 'The American Union Speaker,' is a seminal work that delves into the oratory and public speaking tradition in America during the 19th century. This fascinating book showcases a collection of speeches, debates, and dialogues that capture the spirit of the times and the political landscape of the era. Philbrick's literary style is eloquent and persuasive, drawing the reader into the world of American oratory with vivid descriptions and powerful rhetoric. By studying these speeches, readers gain insight into the values, beliefs, and conflicts that shaped the American Union. Philbrick's meticulous research and analysis make this book a valuable resource for scholars of American history and literature. John D. Philbrick, a renowned historian and public speaker, brings a unique perspective to 'The American Union Speaker.' His deep understanding of American politics and culture informs his interpretation of the speeches featured in the book. Philbrick's passion for oratory and its impact on society is evident in his thoughtful commentary and analysis. As a respected authority on American history, Philbrick's expertise lends credibility to this comprehensive collection of speeches. I highly recommend 'The American Union Speaker' to anyone interested in exploring the power of language and rhetoric in shaping American history. This book offers a fascinating glimpse into the public discourse of the 19th century and provides valuable insights into the political debates of the era.


John D. Philbrick is an author esteemed for his impact on educational literature during the 19th century. Known for his pedagogical interests and expertise, Philbrick's contributions have especially influenced the field of oratory education with his seminal work, 'The American Union Speaker'. This volume is not merely a collection of speeches but serves as a comprehensive guide that embodies the era's educational ideals, promoting rhetorical skills aligned with the democratic spirit of the United States. The book reflects Philbrick's belief in the power of eloquence as a tool for civil engagement and personal development. Though details about Philbrick's life and the breadth of his works are not extensively cataloged in mainstream literary resources, his style is indicative of a period when education was morphing into a public virtue, influenced by the philosophies of Horace Mann and others who viewed schooling as integral to the success of the republic. Philbrick's literary style combines practical instruction with a selection of notable historical orations, thereby providing readers with both the theoretical foundations and exemplary models of effective public speaking. While 'The American Union Speaker' remains his most recognized contribution, Philbrick's legacy in educational literature is buttressed by the enduring relevance of his work in the canon of American educational thought and practice.

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