Tales from Shakespeare


Erschienen am 15.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547351801
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 285 S., 0.55 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'Tales from Shakespeare', Charles Lamb, along with his sister Mary Lamb, masterfully retells the enchanting plays of Shakespeare for a younger audience. Crafted with an enduring literary style, the Lambs breathe new life into the Bard's timeless works, preserving the original dramatic arcs while simplifying the language to make it more accessible. Rich in context and meticulous in attention to detail, the book invites readers into the world of Elizabethan theatre, framing Shakespeare's plays within a landscape that honors the spirit of the original texts while carving out a space for new generations of readers.nCharles Lamb, renowned for his essays and literary criticism, alongside the pedagogical acumen of his sister Mary, has herein applied his deep understanding of Shakespearean lore and the nuanced tapestry of early 19th-century literature. This collaboration likely stems from Charles's reverence for the Bard and Mary's commitment to education, culminating in a work that distills the complexities of Shakespearean dialogue into narratives alive with clarity and insight. Their shared literary effort serves to democratize the works of Shakespeare, effectively bridging the historical expanse separating modern readers from these classic plays.n'Tales from Shakespeare' comes highly recommended for lovers of literature of all ages. It serves as both a splendid introduction for the uninitiated and a delightful revisitation for those well versed in Shakespearean drama. Thanks to the diligence of DigiCat Publishing, Lamb's venerable adaptation stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of Shakespeare and the transcendent power of storytelling. The book is a literary treasure, ensuring that the rich legacy of Shakespeare's plays continues to ignite imaginations and nurture a passion for great literature across generations.


Charles Lamb (10 February 1775 27 December 1834) was an esteemed English essayist, poet, and antiquarian, best known for his collaboration with his sister, Mary Lamb, in the creation of "Tales from Shakespeare." The volume, published in 1807, intended to bring the stories of Shakespeare's plays to a younger, 19th-century audience, and has since become a classic in its own right, widely read by both children and adults. Lamb's literary style is often described as personal and conversational, weaving together colloquial charm with deep erudition and a keen sense of humor. He is equally revered for his essays collection under the title "Essays of Elia," which showcases his distinctive talent for self-revelatory prose. Lamb's life was marked by tragedy and affection; his close bond with his sister both defined and overshadowed by her intermittent bouts of mental illness. Despite these personal hardships, Lamb's work within the literary domain has cemented his reputation as a compassionate writer imbued with humanity and warmth. More than a literary figure, Lamb became a central member of a group of writers, including Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Hazlitt, who together forged the Romantic movement's ethos. Lamb's essays and correspondence are also vital in providing insight into the period's cultural and social milieu, admired as much for their content as for their style. His contribution to English literature and his reshaping of the essay form significantly influence readers and writers alike.

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