eBook - A prisoner's Story of the Cross

Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547349983
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 212 S., 0.51 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Peter Rosegger's 'I.N.R.I' is a deeply philosophical and spiritually reflective novel that combines elements of Christian mysticism, historical fiction, and allegory. Set against the backdrop of biblical events, the book delves into themes of redemption, sacrifice, and the nature of faith. Rosegger's lyrical prose and rich symbolism create a captivating narrative that invites readers to ponder the mysteries of life and existence. The novel can be seen as a modern spiritual parable, offering profound insights into the human condition and the eternal quest for meaning. With its thought-provoking content and poetic language, 'I.N.R.I' stands as a testament to Rosegger's literary prowess and philosophical depth. Peter Rosegger, a renowned Austrian poet and novelist, drew inspiration from his own spiritual journey and reflections on Christian teachings to craft 'I.N.R.I'. His background as a devout Christian and his intimate knowledge of religious texts inform the novel's profound exploration of faith and salvation. Rosegger's nuanced understanding of the human psyche and his gift for storytelling shine through in this work, making it a must-read for those interested in philosophical fiction and spiritual literature. For readers seeking a captivating blend of historical fiction, Christian mysticism, and philosophical reflection, 'I.N.R.I' by Peter Rosegger is a remarkable and enlightening choice. This novel offers a unique perspective on timeless themes and challenges readers to contemplate the deeper meanings of life and spirituality. With its beautifully crafted narrative and profound insights, 'I.N.R.I' is sure to leave a lasting impression on those who delve into its pages.


Peter Rosegger (1843-1918), also known as P.K. Rosegger, was an Austrian poet, novelist, and famed 'folk-life' writer who left a substantial literary legacy inspired by his rural upbringing. His works often chronicle the simplicity and hardship of the countryside, and he is known for his deep connection to the Styrian landscape, which profoundly influenced his writing. Rosegger's talent in recounting the tales of rural life in a rapidly modernizing world gained him wide recognition and a dedicated readership during his time. Among his notable works is 'I.N.R.I.: A Prisoner's Story of Jesus', which delves into the spiritual and depicts the life of Christ in a unique narrative frame. The book reflects Rosegger's versatility in handling diverse literary genres, spanning from autobiographical sketches to elaborate historical fiction. His literary style, characterized by a mix of realism and poetic romanticism, appealed to a broad audience and earned him several honors, including multiple nominations for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Frequently considered an advocate for the common people, Rosegger's insightful and compassionate portrayal of peasant life embodies a timeless quality that continues to resonate with readers and scholars alike.

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