The Sexes in Science and History

eBook - An inquiry into the dogma of woman's inferiority to man

Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547338895
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 245 S., 0.54 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Eliza Burt Gamble's 'The Sexes in Science and History' is a groundbreaking exploration of gender roles and the impact of sexism on scientific and historical narratives. With a meticulously researched approach, Gamble delves into the ways in which ideas about gender have shaped our understanding of both science and history. Through a combination of historical analysis and critical theory, she challenges conventional wisdom and offers new insights into the ways in which gender has influenced the development of knowledge. Gamble's writing style is academic yet accessible, making this book an essential read for anyone interested in gender studies, history, or the philosophy of science. This work sheds light on the often-overlooked contributions of women to these fields, offering a fresh perspective on the way in which gender dynamics have shaped our understanding of the world. Eliza Burt Gamble's expertise in both history and gender studies makes 'The Sexes in Science and History' a must-read for scholars and students alike.


Eliza Burt Gamble (18411920) was an influential American writer, feminist and social scientist whose work at the turn of the 20th century was integral in challenging the scientific community's perceptions of gender and evolution. Born Eliza Burt, she married James Gamble with whom she shared an intellectual partnership. Gamble's most renowned work, 'The Evolution of Woman: An Inquiry into the Dogma of Her Inferiority to Man,' published in 1894, scrutinized the prevailing Darwinian theory that women were biologically and intellectually inferior to men, and formed a foundation for her subsequent explorations into gender-related topics. Her later book, 'The Sexes in Science and History,' delved deeper into the historical and scientific insights regarding gender, consolidating her legacy as a pioneering thinker who utilized evolutionary theory to advocate for gender equality. Gamble's writing is characterized by meticulous research and a persuasive narrative style that seeks to marry evolutionary theory with feminist ideology. Her literary contributions significantly influenced the early women's movement and the social sciences, offering a fresh perspective on the roles and capabilities of women in society. Her works continue to be referenced by scholars interested in the intersection of gender studies, history, and evolutionary biology.

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