Business Branding

eBook - A Guide to Successful Business Branding

Erschienen am 20.09.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783961122073
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 55 S., 0.14 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


Branding is all about image of a business. The concept doesn't only include style, emblems and logos but also the image of quality perceived. The image perceived may be of total quality, reliability, and more. Branding is about the business and how a business is different from the competitors. The purpose of a brand is to distinguish yourself from your competitors. Once you make a distinguishing impact then an advertising campaign can be much more effective. The success of a company can be determined by a brand. Branding includes many factors which help a company to be successful. These factors may include a website, marketing efforts, and anything that gives a company an identity. Consumers trust wholeheartedly a corporate image because there is a psychology in motivating the purchasing decisions. All companies should practice branding. Brick and mortar business and online companies benefit through branding methods. It is common for smaller companies and online businesses to fail due to a lack of understanding about the importance and factors of a good brand. Branding ensures professionalism with a company. It seals the deal on an entire package. A small company with a brand looks just as good as a large corporation when they practice the right techniques. Brands enhance your confidence as a business owner but also in the consumers that you really can deliver what you promise. Branding offers consistency with a business. It gives direction to employees and customers know what to expect. Consistency can be performed through the use of things like business cards, t-shirts, and more. Consistency includes visibility techniques that are professional and will remain in the memory of a consumer. One concept that consumers often attach to a brand is called brand equity. A brand is often considered to be an asset also.


Anthony Ekanem is a researcher and writer. His research interests span across business, finance, family, relationship, health, personal development, etc. and has written many books on these areas.

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