Travels and adventures in South and Central

eBook - A Life in the Llanos of Venezuela

Erschienen am 27.09.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783736417120
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 812 S., 2.32 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


It was my lot several years agoI need not state how manyto be brought forth into this world amid the wild scenes which I propose to describe. Later in life I was fortunate enough to be sent by my parents to England, for the purpose of finishing my education under the tuition of the learned fathers at the College of Stonyhurst. While there, I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of the inimitable author of "Wanderings in South America," Charles Waterton, Esq., who years before had also been an inmate of that celebrated institution, and whose book became at once my favorite study, on account of the graphic descriptions it contains of animals and objects with which I was already familiar. The works of the distinguished traveller, Baron von Humboldt, who first made those regions known to the civilized world, next afforded me an endless source of scientific enjoyment, developing in me an early taste for the natural history and physical wonders of my native land.{vi}On my return home, I immediately turned my steps toward"Those matted woods ...Where crouching tigers wait their hapless prey,"anxious to study nature in her own sanctuary; but, owing to the unfortunate state of affairs in the country, I did not enjoy long my cherished dreams of exploring it through all its extent. Sufficient information was, however, obtained in my rambles through the plains, to enlarge upon a subject scarcely touched upon by travellers.Thus from my earliest days have I been associated with the scenes forming the text of the present narrative, which I venture to lay before the public, trusting more in the indulgence and characteristic generosity of the Anglo-Saxon race toward foreigners, than in my own ability to fulfil the arduous undertaking.

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