How Smart Is Your City?

eBook - Technological Innovation, Ethics and Inclusiveness, Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering

Erschienen am 20.10.2020, 1. Auflage 2020
173,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783030569266
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 5.75 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book focuses on the potential benefits that the so-called smart technologies have been bringing to the urban reality and to the management and governance of the city, simultaneously highlighting the necessity for its responsible and ethically guided deployment, respecting essential humanistic values.

The urban ecosystem has been, in the last decades, the locus to where the most advanced forms of technological innovation converge, creating intelligent management platforms meant to produce models of energy, water consumption, mobility/transportation, waste management and efficient cities.

Due to the coincidence of the punctual overlap of its own genesis with the pandemics outbreak, the present book came to embody both the initial dream and desire of an intelligent city place of innovation, development and equity a dream present in most of the chapters and the fear not just of the pandemics per se, but of the consequences that this may have for the character ofthe intelligent city and for the nature of its relationship with its dwellers that, like a mother, it is supposed to nurture, shelter and protect.


Chapter 1. The Smart City: The Exponent of a Civilization Transition in the Context of a Global Crisis.- Chapter 2. The Right to the City: The Right to Live with Dignity.- Chapter 3. Theres More than One Kind of smart: Big Data, Affect and Empathy in the City.- Chapter 4. Acting Smart: An Experimental Approach to Architecture, Performance Art and ICT.- Chapter 5. Leveraging the Use of Digital Technologies to Activate Public Areas and Foster Creativity.- Chapter 6. Algorithmic Cities: A Dystopic or Utopic Future?.- Chapter 7. Robots and Smart Cities.- Chapter 8. Technological Approaches to Cultural Heritage Lessons from ROCK.- Chapter 9. Digital Social Markets: Exploring the Opportunities and Impacts of Gamification and Reward Mechanisms in Citizen Engagement and Smart City Services.- Chapter 10. GrowSmarter Stockholm.- Chapter 11. Creating a Smart Ecosystem in Lisbon.- Chapter 12. Being Smart in a Crisis Context: Ethical Paradoxes. 

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