Lean Smarketing

eBook - An Introduction to the Integration of Marketing and Sales

Erschienen am 19.05.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
12,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9782874034596
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 66 S., 1.40 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This booklets goal is to provide an introduction to smarketing and hopes to provide some new tactics, based on growth hacking, in implementing a smarketing approach. 

For readers new to this field, and to better understand the provided smarketing methodology, this booklet starts with an introduction to inbound and content marketing. Marketeers that are accustomed with the ins and outs of inbound marketing can skip the first paragraphs and start reading at the paragraph about putting the S in smarketing.

This incisive bookletwill provide you with some new and valuable insights and countless tips and tricks to attract more business.


Ask yourself these questions:

- Are you afraid that new innovative companies will take away your business with a disruptive customer acquisition strategy?
- Did you see a decrease in effectiveness of your current sales or customer acquisition strategy?
- Is your company struggling with its first and second steps on social media? Or are you quite active online, but not really generating the expected additional revenue?
- Have you noticed that some marketing actions are able to generate a lot of interest and engagement, but you don't have a clue how to replicate this result?
- Are your marketing and sales departments not teaming up, acting together and therefore not reaching their full potential?
- Do you have the impression that sales and marketing are separate businesses?
- Have you heard of growth hacking? If so, do you believe it is a marketing technique only for technology startups?

Did you answer yes to any of the questions above? Then you're on the right track.


Nikolaas Van Riet is a scientist that studied non-linear acoustics, advanced quantum mechanics, and nuclear physics. After a PhD adventure, he started his professional career as an innovation consultant, but quickly moved into business development.

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