Hey, Professor

eBook - An Experiment in Distance Learning and Teaching by a College English Department Instructor and 27 Sheltered-In-Place New York City Undergraduate Students Enrolled in a Humanities Course Studying, of All Things, the Literature of Waiting

Erschienen am 14.07.2020, 1. Auflage 2020
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E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781984585431
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 246 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Hey, Professor / Email Received From Michael Two Weeks Into Our Distance-Learning CourseI hope this email finds you well. Thank you for reaching out and expressing your concern. This transition has been a little of a challenge for me. Ive been trying to adjust to feeling a lot more anxiety after being laid off from my job as a waiter and getting used to spending much more time at home, where I live with my brother, his wife, and their (quite rambunctious) three-year-old son. I am used to being able to do my coursework in the library or at cafes and I am still adjusting to having to do the majority of my work at home. As a result, I have fallen a little behind in my coursework. Hey, Professor / Email Received From Patrick Five Weeks Into Our Distance-Learning CourseUnfortunately the course assignments I completed for this session of distance learning are on my work computer. I have to go in to pick up some belongings, anyway, so Ill send the assignments by then. Sorry for the delay; my mom got sick and shes immunocompromised, so it has been a rough couple of days.I appreciate how accommodating you have been to our class in this trying time. The reading and thinking assignments youve created to make up the distance learning half of our course have both been a light in this time. I hope that reading our completed assignments brings you a similar light.Hello Professor Eidelberg / Email Received From Christina Six Weeks Into Our Distance-Learning CourseI know that this is a lot to just unload in an email but I felt that I wanted you to understand why I have not been able to get to my work as productively as Id like to ideally, as well as confide in you about my current mental and physical health. I have been sluggish, tired, unmotivated, lethargic, and plain struggling to do many tasks beyond existing from moment to moment. I am trying to research more resources for therapy, as I have neglected this for a few monthsDear Professor Eidelberg / Email Received From Shanya After Seven Weeks of Distance-Learning EndsIm glad to hear you have been doing well and keeping busy since our course ended. My family is doing great; weve been using this time to share some of our passions one of mine, as you know, being writing and the reception has been amazing. I cant wait to read and re-read our courses book on Some Day: The Literature of Waiting.Also, I have recommended your other Hunter College humanities course, "The Teacher and Student in Literature," to many friends but ironically, also recommended that they wait a semester if forced to take the class online. Your courses are simply too magical to be minimized.

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