Facing Existential Contradictions

eBook - Self-Examination as a Tool for Peace and Happiness Volume 1

Erschienen am 01.08.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
5,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781982208868
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 382 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


This book carefully tries to unravel the puzzle of existential contradictions and happiness. It reflects and translates piece by piece Surus practice of self-examination in the midst of existential contradictions. Throughout the lines of Surus adventures or stories, the book unveils the transformative potential of self-examination for peace and happiness. In Surus experience, the human journey to peace or happiness is a long one. Surus certainly remains a long and challenging one. Every time Suru thinks or feels like he has conquered peace or happiness for good, he ends up being wrong. He ends up losing his peace; his happiness escapes and challenges him to keep on running after the goal. And when he succeeds in catching up with it anew, peace dwells within his mind and heart for some time and escapes again. Suru keeps on longing for peace and happiness. His road to happiness is filled with contradictions, and his search for peace seems endless; it is like a lifetime journey. Every time the roadblocks of contradictions show up, they force the train of Surus journey to stop for a moment. Fortunately, self-examination transforms that stop into the opportunity of a much-needed station for the train of his existence. At that station, Suru pauses and takes the time to evaluate the direction of his existential movement to find his lost peace. In the midst of existential contradictions, it could be difficult to find peace. The path to peace could become nebulous. But with the tool of self-examination, peace is likely to find you.

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