Preventing and Responding to Student Suicide

eBook - A Practical Guide for FE and HE Settings

Erschienen am 18.11.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
73,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781787754195
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 400 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


This practical book covers issues related to suicide risk, prevention and postvention in Higher and Further Education communities. Compiled by 37 experts, it is an authoritative guide to an issue that is causing increasingly large concern for FE and HE institutions and covers multiple evidence-backed approaches with a pragmatic focus. It is the first that specifically deals with student suicide in FE Colleges and universities, encouraging a holistic, institutional response.
Chapters are split into three sections, beginning with understanding and preventing student suicide among students, followed by responses to risk, including a model for student prevention in HE settings. The book concludes with the response to student death by suicide with advice on postvention, and how to support bereaved family, staff, and students.


Jo Smith BSc., MSc., PhD., is an Emeritus Professor of Early Intervention and Psychosis at University of Worcester. She a Clinical Psychologist by profession, with 34 years NHS clinical experience. Jo co-authored the 'International Declaration on Zero Suicide in Healthcare', published in 2015. She was a member of national UUK working groups which produced '#Stepchange: Mental health in Higher Education', 'Minding Our Future' and 'Suicide-Safer Universities' guidance.
Sharon Mallon BSc, PhD, SFHEA, is a Senior Lecturer in Mental Health in the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies at The Open University. She was awarded a PhD for her qualitative study of the impact of student suicide from the perspective of their friends and was one of the authors of the RaPSS study (Response and Prevention in Student Suicide).

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