Taking Out the Violence

eBook - Shedding Light on the Science and Soul of Human Behavior

Erschienen am 08.12.2010, 1. Auflage 2010
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781725229341
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 112 S.
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


At a time when the world is reeling from the violence thrust upon it, this volume offers new insights into the answers being sought to the question being universally asked: why such violence and terror should exist? The issues of violence, in particular that done to and by children, and the learning and behavioral difficulties that so often accompany it, are written about in a storytelling manner, with the aim of making them easily understood and thereby helping to slow the momentum of a humankind apparently bent on destroying itself. The serious mismatch between our current beliefs about the causes of these problems and the methods being used to redress them, as measured by their statistically massive failure, quite clearly indicates that we have been missing something very fundamental in these equations.We are rapidly moving into knowledge about the roles of memory and consciousness and their energies in human behavior. Thus the time is right to engage general awareness about how they play relentlessly into every function and dysfunction of body, mind, and soul and the belief systems of culture and religion that drive their energies in human thought and behavior and thus, interactions with other. This book is an indispensable and thought-provoking guide for those involved with children, the adults they become, and the future of the earth and her inhabitants.


Ursula Anderson, MD, is an internationally recognized physician whose pioneering work, research and publications in pediatrics, mental health, preventative medicine, public health and the philosophy of religion have been applauded worldwide. She is an alumna of Yale University Medical School USA and the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, as well as London and Liverpool Universities in the UK. In addition to her private practice and academic appointments, Dr. Anderson has served as a consultant to the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland as well as to several national organizations in the USA, Canada, Europe and elsewhere.

She is a well known lecturer, seminar and workshop leader on the world scene and has published over 60 articles in medical, scientific, professional and other journals and is the author of several books includingThe Psalms of Children: Understanding and Healing the Scars on the Souls of Children,Immunology of the Soul: The Paradigm for the Future, and others. She has been included in several international biographical libraries includingWHO's WHO of the World's Women.

For more information visitwww.drursulaanderson.com andwww.andersonbeyondgenome.com.

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