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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781665539425
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 52 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Our storm is about a single mother of four children ranging from the ages two- through thirteen. Based on real live horrific events that took place with this family, so quickly that its head spinning and mind blowing, your eyes wont even believe what your reading. Can you imagine being hospitalized all while your children are home and safe with your boyfriend to waking up to children, service workers entering your hospital room and making false accusations that your son had said he is being abused at home. In the blink of an eye, the state had custody of two of my eldest children while I am in still in the hospital. You volunteer to give your youngest two, to their father to make things easier on your boyfriend because he was taking care of so much while youre in the hospital. Which turned out to be the biggest mistake you could of ever make in your life. My children were kept away from me by their father. I became insane, things were happening to my children and their was nothing I could do to be there, because I wasn't allowed to be. I had a broken heart and a fiery soul. I mean it was on fire, I was literally walking around like a zombie. I had never wrote a book before never in my life, not even thought about it. In fact, I haven't been through anything like this before in my life. Writing just became very therapeutic to me. In fact, it was while all these horrifying back to back events that I began writing about this. The more pain I dealt with, the longer I wrote, you see I was writing and writing because in reality it was how I was letting the pain out, you ever love to do something so much that it hurts to stop? Well that became me when I was writing, the greater the pain the greater my writing became and my hand was an energizer bunny. I was one determined mama throughout this whole nightmare. My determination is like pouring gas on an open fire the devil tried to destroy me and my family. The devil does exist, he is real and he does come to kill, steal and destroy. But god is real too and he came and he rescued us. God's love and his words inside the bible saved my family.Inside, read about how my faith which started out slim to none was tested beyond my limitations which now allows me to have faith that's limitless.

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