Socialist Revolution in America

eBook - Observations, Analyses, and Commentaries of a Soviet Attorney

Erschienen am 20.09.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
5,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781664193963
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 474 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


We are at war. This war is aimed at you, your family, your country and the Western Civilization as a whole. Afghanistan and the Socialist Revolution in America are parts of this long war As a compilation of articles written during the last thirty years this book represents the history of ideology that brought the world and America to its current crisis. The pages of this book reveal the faceless and nameless enemies that have been secretly operating under the radar for decades. The book exposes the driving force behind the International Terrorism today: Russia and her Counterintelligence operations. Being a profound and meaningful work, this book is a rich arsenal of information based on the authors first-hand experiences and factual data. This book will bring to light myriads of compelling and grim secrets behind such names as Joseph Stalin, who married the Communist ideology with Islamic Jihad, Yuri Andropov who designed the monumental infiltration into the midst of our society by simultaneous intrusion of our intelligence apparatus and the media, and Vladimir Putin who is successfully implementing their strategy in the 21st century. Exposing the core of todays terrorism, its roots, ideology and operations, Socialist Revolution in America is an eye-opener in comprehending the major underlying problems in America and the world. To survive and win this war, awareness and knowledge of the enemy is urgent and crucial.

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