Essentials of Enzymology


Erschienen am 13.03.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
14,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781503527225
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 222 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Essentials of Enzymology provides concise information on an important area of the subject,Biochemistry. This may serve as course material for an advanced treatise in Enzymologydesigned for undergraduate science degree programs, especially B.Sc. (Hons ) Biochemistryand Chemistry.The book is in 12 chapters which has been divided into four distinct sections, thus (1) Basicenzyme chemistry and physiology. (2) Enzyme Kinetics, (3) Enzyme catalysis, Mechanisms andRegulation,(4)Applications of Enzymology. The Part 1 consists of four chapters that deal withthe nature of enzymes- (history, properties and classifi cation), enzyme physiology; structureof enzymes, and analytical enzymology. Part 2 deals with Enzyme Kinetics which is treated inthree chapters, and Part 3, made up of three chapters discuss Enzyme catalysis, mechanismsand regulation. Lastly, Part 4 consisting of two chapters deal with the applications ofenzymology.Signifi cantly, the kinetics of enzyme catalyzed reactions in diverse experimental conditions,and also under various inhibition types are presented in a simple, mathematical lucidapproach. The mechanisms of action for two atypical proteins-chymotrypsin and lysozyme,so also the identifi cation of active sites of enzymes by specifi c labels are discussed concisely.Lastly, the specifi c applications of enzymes in diagnostic medicine, industry, and also the newemerging area of enzyme biotechnology and enzyme bioinformatics are presented

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