A Mindful Teaching Community

eBook - Possibilities for Teacher Professional Learning, Mindfulness in Education

Erschienen am 29.09.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
113,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781498558853
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 146 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


A Mindful Teaching Community: Possibilities for Teacher Professional Learningdescribes a grassroots professional learning journey wherein a group of practicing classroom teachers researches their teaching practices and the role of mindfulness in their learning. Using a mix of methods, this book illustrates how the storiesof an educator can be uncovered, investigated, and transformed through practicing mindfulness within a community. Through the stories told in this collection the teachers learn to see greater connections between their individual ways of thinking, their actions, and the greater system they live and work in. The storied inquiry of the educators offers unique possibilities for teachers professional learning.


Kelly Hanson is doctoral student at the University of British Columbia.



Karen Ragoonaden and Sabre Cherkowski


Note from the Editor

Chapter One: A Mindful Teaching Community
Kelly Hanson

Chapter Two: Foundations of Our Mindfulness
Kelly Hanson, Clay McLeod, andMelissa Johnson

Chapter Three: Gathering, Being, and Moving Together
Kelly Hanson, Melissa Johnson, and Shawna Denman

Chapter Four: Mindfulness and Creativity
Kelly Hanson, Jeanne Parker, and Deanne Collinson

Chapter Five: Mindfulness and Social Justice
Kelly Hanson, Doryan Elliott, andRyan Scorgie

Chapter Six: Mindfulness and Nature
Kelly Hanson, Clay McLeod, andMichael Ross

Final thoughts: The Ecology of Our Stories
Kelly Hanson, Clay McLeod, and Lori Hazel

About the Editor and Contributors

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