The Shape and Shaping of the College and University in America

eBook - A Lively Experiment

Erschienen am 01.03.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
121,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781498515573
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 381 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


This bookpresents the issues, controversies, and key players that formed and enabled the American college and university to endure as a critical institution of the nation and society. Nelson examines contested issues and concerns in the academy such as the role and position of religion; the place and value of the liberal arts; the threat of disunity and balkanization; the ideological contentions and fights for control; the effect of politics and ideologies on its future as an institution; its role as a critic and servant of society; and its promotion of academic freedom, free speech, and liberty. This overview, combined with Nelsons examination of the historical dramas, influential political forces, and stories of key personalities, provides a nuanced understanding of the evolution of the academy that scholars of Education, American History, and Philosophy will appreciate.


Stephen J. Nelson is professor of education and educational leadership at Bridgewater State University and senior scholar in the Leadership Alliance at Brown University.


Chapter 1 Religion in the Nation and the Academy

Chapter 2 The University: What is It and How Does Its Center Hold?

Chapter 3 Contentious Compatibility and the Common Good: The University as Servant and Critic in a Democracy

Chapter 4 The Purpose of the College: Clashes over Liberal Education and Ideas that Prevail

Chapter 5 The Rise of the University: The Influence of Progressivism and the Social Gospel

Chapter 6 Battles over Liberty, Academic Freedom and Free Speech

Chapter 7 The Disuniting of America and the University: A Reprise of Academic Freedom and the Threat of Balkanization in the Quest for Pluralism and Diversity

Chapter 8 The Contemporary Ideological World of the McCarthy Era to Present: Political Rightness and Wrong-Headedness

Chapter 9 A Coda: The Concept of a University in America and the Culture We Deserve

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