Injured, Misdiagnosed, and Left for Dead

eBook - One Doctor's Odyssey to Heal His Shattered Life

Erschienen am 21.11.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
6,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781490816340
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 80 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


You may be suffering with health problems or physical difficulties; you may be confused about where they have come from. You may have a strong feelingan inner awarenessthat something is seriously wrong, but you have been told that either you have some specific condition (that doesnt seem to line up with what you are going through), or that its all in your head, or that you are just a malingerer or a liar. You need to know that the condition with which you may be suffering is one that few doctors will recognize; they have no concept of it or training for it. Even so, our court system is very familiar with this certain condition; juries readily accept the validity of this condition/diagnosis and its treatment protocolseven up to appellate levels! But certain powers-that-be may not want the word about this condition and its seriousness to get more extensive public exposure than it has had to this point.The specific condition/diagnosisas well as the actions and inactions of some individuals and agencies that are intertwined with all of thishave profoundly and deeply impacted the greater part of my life; that is what this book is all about. The message of this book, however, goes beyond those topics. My story may well be very much like the story of your life! You need to know what I have been through and am still going through.

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