288 Chances

eBook - Reflections on Everyday Life, One Word, Five Minutes at a Time

Erschienen am 25.10.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
6,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781490809632
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 34 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


5 minutesthe time it takes to brush your teeth, fry an egg, or pay the electric bill. In any given twenty-four-hour period, we all have 288 chances to take five minutes and just stopto think, to feel, allow ourselves time to breathe, grab hold of a thought or a word or a feeling, and capture a moment. 288 Chances is a collection of writings, each with a foundation that began in five short minutes. Open, honest, thoughtful words written from the heart, words that will hopefully engage the mind and the spirit as they relate to the simple, everyday feelings and emotions that we all experience over a lifetime. Love, Loss, Trust, Expectation. Just a few of the hopes and fears, joys and disappointments that might otherwise go unspoken, unshared, until we take the time to write them down. Could you set aside five minutes a day to challenge yourself? Challenge yourself to take one random word and write for five quick minutes, without thought to grammar or punctuationfirst connecting the bare bones, and then going back and adding some flesh and muscle, so your words might inspire, entertain, encourage, or comfort someone who might need to hear them today.Everyday life is full of ordinary moments that should inspire us all to be extraordinary. Sharing these moments with others connects us. Take five. And write it down.For more on this book and the author, please visit 288chances.blogspot.com.

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