Ponytale Talk

eBook - It's All About You! Winning Career Strategies for Women

Erschienen am 13.08.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781483657608
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 210 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Ponytale Talk is a collection of self-help tips and advice for working women who want to climb the career ladder, break the glass ceiling, or just want to perform their jobs to the best of their ability.Inspired by the authors own stories, anecdotes, and experiences while breaking the glass ceiling, Ponytale Talk tries to find a moral behind every situation, one that can help other women do things better than the author, Kimberli J. Lewis, did along her career-ladder climb. At the minimum, the author wants to give sound advice to help women lessen the bruises encountered while climbing the career ladder. The title Ponytale Talk emphasizes the need women have to discuss things and support each other. Inspired by the man-bashing, tea-toting sessions called ponytale talk, which the authors grandmother and great-aunts had in the sixties, Kimberli J. Lewis carried tradition forward in written form to reflect her own career journey and learning. Ponytale Talk fulfills our need to let it out and talk about it. Ponytale Talk is the working womans career manual, mentor, and coach.Men are not excluded in this book but are also not painted as heroes in the eyes of author Lewis. Subtle criticisms surrounding mens behavior weave its way throughout many of Kimberlis inspirations and advice, although her focus is more on correct business and management behavior regardless of gender.Kimberli reflects on the start of her own career as an example of the battles that take place within large organizations when career starters try to position themselves for takeoff. As the scenarios move from the United States to Eastern Europe to Europe and then worldwide, Kimberli focuses on the challenges women face at all levels in the organization. Using her inspirations, the author draws lessons and conclusions from each situation and summarizes these in useful and practical tips and advice for working women.Ponytale Talk talks to the reader, and the reader may recognize many of Kimberlis experiences. The book allows the reader to gain new perspectives on the situations women face in both their private and working lives, and draw their own conclusions.Ponytale Talk reminds us that the road to career success or career satisfaction can be long and hard. It talks about the sacrifices that women have to make and the challenges they face along the way.The book is informative in best practices for management and gives women guidelines for being the best manager or employee possible. Ponytale Talk provides direction and advice for leaving a job, dealing with difficult people, asking for a salary increase, recognizing gender pay gaps, and much more.Talking openly about issues such as romance in the workplace or dealing with PMS in the workplace, Ponytale Talk leaves no stone unturned when it comes to women and work.Divided into four main parts, You and Your Career, You and Your Success, You and Your Situation,, and You and Your Future, Ponytale Talk communicates to the reader directly and allows them to identify with certain situations while providing them with tips and the advice. It simulates having a mentor and coach at hand.Ponytale Talk gives us the rare insight into the experiences, feelings, and learnings of an international CEO who is willing to share a lifetime of experience.A practical, enjoyable, and delightful transcultural and educational read for all women. Ponytale Talk gives great advice on life-work balance, good management practices, and how to succeed in the workplace.

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