The Myths of Elkader

eBook - The Legend of Elkader

Erschienen am 18.04.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
6,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781483626284
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 48 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


THE LEGEND OF ELKADERI Elemir Khaled Eldjazairy and this is a glimpse of my life during my youth, I was born in Damascus - Syria 3rd of Nov. 1960, both my father and mother are distant cousins from the same family tree.A simple couple very humble and their main worry was how to provide me and my brother with proper education. I was born in Syria although my origin is Algerian due to the French exile of my great grand father Elemir Abdelkader to Damascus Syria.My father migrated to Kuwait when I was 3 years old then Algeria, Libya, Scotland, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E. and back to Saudi Arabia. My age was 11 years old and my brother Mohamed Omar 9 years old, when our mother Baraat got worried about our educational status, due to the continuous travel of my father Nizar seeking a job anywhere in the world, Baraat passed her worry to Nizar and told him that he should find a solution otherwise we will both lose our education especially when we keep changing from one country to another. So my mother suggested that he should send us to a boarding school and once they settle in one country they will bring us back. My father thought this was a good suggestion since he was in a boarding school in Lebanon, so the first thing that crossed his mind was Lebanon.

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