Bump It Up

eBook - The Dynamic, Flexible Exercise and Healthy Eating Plan For Before, During and After Pregnancy

Erschienen am 25.08.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
26,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473541627
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 256 S., 28.75 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


A consultant to numerous sportswomen and celebrities, and the performance expert behind the incredible Comic Relief and Sports Relief challenges, Professor Greg Whyte OBE is well known for his innovative fitness programmes which are regarded as the gold standard when it comes to healthy living.

InBUMP IT UP, Greg clears away the confusion and dispels the many myths surrounding exercise and pregnancy to offer invaluable guidance on how to exercise safely and eat healthily through each trimester and beyond. Describing pregnancy as a two-year journey, not merely one that lasts for nine months, Greg, a father of three, also explains how the right exercise and a healthy, balanced lifestyle will ...

· boost your chances of conception · help you to be fit and relaxed through each stage of your pregnancy · reduce your stress levels as you prepare for labour · keep you energized and active as you adapt to the demands of motherhood

Guiding you through each trimester, Greg provides an easy-to-follow, fully illustrated exercise programme suitable for all levels of fitness, and a healthy eating plan, which includes expert guidance on nutrition and a range of delicious and adaptable recipes created by an award-winning food writer.

Designed to keep you feeling on top form, and with an inspirational foreword by mum and celebrity fitness expert Davina McCall,BUMP IT UPis both practical and empowering a one-stop-shop for essential advice on how to be fit, active and healthy before, during and after pregnancy.


Professor Greg Whyte OBE is a physical activity expert, world-renowned sports scientist and Director of Performance at the Centre for Health and Human Performance on Harley Street in London. Greg has spent over two decades enhancing the quality of life of a broad range of people, from Olympic Champions to cancer patients, and celebrities to first-time mums. A father of three, Greg has helped not only his own wife but also a huge number of mums, optimise their pregnancy, delivery and early years and is a regular media contributor on the topic. Greg is also an ambassador for Turtle Tots, a specialist swim school dedicated to helping mums during pregnancy and beyond.


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