The Millionaire in the Pew

eBook - A Manual on Major and Deferred Gift Fundraising for Clergy and Religious Leaders

Erschienen am 18.01.2012, 1. Auflage 2012
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781449733902
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 132 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


THE MILLIONAIRE IN THE PEW presents a new and unique approach to funding ministry and mission. Russell Wilson asserts that there is untapped wealth in the Church that could be harvested. He believes that clergy and religious leaders possess many of the qualities of highly successful professional fundraisers. He also believes that if they can overcome the taboo of dealing with money and fundraising, they can raise millions of dollars for the Church. The Millionaire in the Pew argues that fundraising is a very spiritual practice.Two phenomena are converging that make THE MILLIONAIRE IN THE PEW timely and critical.One is the current crisis in funding churches. The other is the so-called Trillion-Dollar Transfer; In the next decade or so, the Baby Boomers will be passing their assets in the billions onto their offspring. The Trillion-Dollar Transfer presents a huge opportunity for the Church. Clergy and religious leaders are in a unique position to take this unique opportunity to advance their churches.THE MILLIONAIRE IN THE PEW will:change your attitudes toward money, wealth and wealthy peopleteach you how to identify wealthy individualsteach you how to educate and cultivate prospectsshow you how to prepare effective verbal and written proposalsinstruct you on how to make successful solicitation callsincrease your skills of persuasion to raise major giftsintroduce you to the mega potential for deferred giftsempower you to harvest major and deferred giftsRuss Wilson has given us a splendid gift in THE MILLIONAIRE IN THE PEW.... Russ presents both the why and the how of funding ministry today. You will be inspired to make major gift solicitations after reading the chapters that tell how to do it. If nothing else you will find outstanding source material in this volume. This book is a gem!Dr. Wayne Barrett, Director, United Methodist Foundation of MichiganI believe THE MILLIONAIRE IN THE PEW will make a significant contribution to the church by empowering pastors, denominational leaders, and church leaders to provide critical financial resources to continue and expand its ministries and missions. p>Bishop Julius Calvin Trimble, Resident Bishop, Iowa Conference of the United Methodist ChurchTHE MILLIONAIRE IN THE PEW will be a gift to clergy and congregations as they search for wisdom in fundraising amidst challenging economic times. This is a practical book outlining best practices for those faith-based institutions committed to pursuing a new level of excellence in stewardship. Russ Wilson brings together the wisdom gleaned from his years of experience for the benefit of pastors and lay leaders.Dr. Bill Enright, Director, The Lake Institute of Faith& Giving, Indiana University

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