From the Heart of a Teacher

eBook - Blurring Color Lines

Erschienen am 03.12.2010, 1. Auflage 2010
13,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781449051181
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 152 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


This book is an account of a school year in the life of an inner city teacher. It is a healthy look at schools, teaching methods, and successful ideas to incorporate into the classroom. These methods were formed over many years by observing, teaching, loving and improving the lives of children. Experience in the inner city is the setting of this book, however, the events chronicled in its pages happened compositely throughout the authors career. It is fiction based on real life happenings. All accounts are typical of her teaching style and the successful methods she presents. Many of the techniques she employs are innovative, unusual, and encouraging. It will motivate and excite the reader, as well as engage them in an interesting account of a school year in an area where poverty is prevalent and children are very needy. The school room is a place where children grow and change and become delighted with learning. Without a doubt this book will instill a desire for everyone to really examine how they can effect the lives of all of the children in which they come in contact. Above all it is a good story about children and their lives and the problems that can so often alter their road to success. The seeds of a life of crime can begin in grade school and society should guard and defend all of the ideals that form its citizens. The story highlights research to back the many methods she has found successful over time and makes the book especially significant for President Obama's "Race to the Top!" Agenda.

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