Queering the Chilean Way

eBook - Cultures of Exceptionalism and Sexual Dissidence, 1965-2015, New Directions in Latino American Cultures

Erschienen am 11.11.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781137562487
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 3.47 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book examines and critiques the fact that Chiles claims to economic exceptionalism have been embodied, often quite aggressively, in a heterosexual, and primarily male, ideal. Despite the many shifts Chilean economics and politics have undergone over the past fifty years, the countrys view of itself as a model in contrast to other Latin American countries has remained constant. By deploying an artistic, literary, and cinematic archive of queer figures from this period, this book draws parallels among the exceptionalisms of Chiles economic discourse, the subjects deemed most (and least) apt to embody it, and the maneuvers of its cultural production between local and global ideas of gender and politics to delineate its place in the world.Queering the Chilean Way thus sheds light on the sexual, economic, and aesthetic dimensions of exceptionalismat its heart, a discourse of exclusion that often comprises a major element of nationalismin Chile and throughout the Americas.


Carl Fischer is Assistant Professor of Spanish in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at Fordham University, USA. His work has been published in American Quarterly, Argus, Cine chileno en dos siglos, and Critical Matrix. He previously worked as a translator for the Chilean government, as well as for numerous international, community, and academic organizations. He received his PhD from the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures at Princeton University, USA.


.Acknowledgements.-.List of Figures.-.Introduction.-.Chapter 1: The Monstrous Masculinities of Chile's Agrarian Reform, 1965-70.-.Chapter 2: The Exceptional Art of Gendered Utopias, 1970-3.-.Chapter 3: Queering the State of Exception, 1973-89.-.Chapter 4: Politicizing the Loca Body After the Dictatorship, 1990-2005.-.Chapter 5: Exceptionalism, the Female Body, and the Public Sphere in the Bachelet Era, 2006 15.-.Bibliography.

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