Kalan the Mighty Warrior

eBook - Book One

Erschienen am 26.07.2006, 1. Auflage 2006
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780595817573
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 176 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


What happened next sent both boys springing to their feet. What they saw through their squinting eyes staggered their imagination. A gigantic owl diving through the trees with incredible speed, its enormous head perfectly in line with its target the devil hound!Braxus the Owl: Guardian of the Forest is the first in the Kalan the Mighty Warrior series of magical stories about Kalan, an imaginative and adventurous boy, caught in a classic battle of good versus evil. It is a battle to determine the ruler of Potentia, the world of dreams and the source of all reality. Kalan sets out on a long-awaited camping trip with his dad and his best friend James. This is no ordinary trip, however, for it includes a blood oath rite of passage, which has been handed down through the O'Shel family for centuries. Along the way, Kalan and his friend are confronted with eerie, foreboding clues about the terrifying and harrowing events to come. On their unforgettable journey, the boys encounter unimaginable things: shape shifters, a frightening werewolf, and a gigantic magical owl named Braxus, whose size defies all reason and belief. Braxus shows the boys the passageway to the world of their dreams-a world filled with castles and dragons, swords and shields, and all the medieval things of which young knights dream. But as the boys soon find out, their adventures have just begun. " will have your young readers turning pages faster than you can believe they can read." ? The Signal"What a wonderful book! An amazing book!" ? Paul Strickland, Board President, Hart High School District/KHTS Radio Host

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