There Are No Overachievers

eBook - Seizing Your Windows of Opportunity to Do More than You Thought Possible

Erschienen am 06.04.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
17,95 €
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E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780593077931
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 192 S., 0.53 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


In an inspiring new book, management consultant and world-renowned speaking guru Brian Biro describes how each and every one of us can seize and act upon the Windows of Opportunity that we encounter to transform our lives.

InThere Are No Overachievers, Brian Biro distils a lifetime of motivational lessons on how to be more energized and passionate in work and life by seizing what he calls the WOO our windows of opportunity. A WOO is a precious, unrepeatable moment that can influence, redirect and even reshape our lives when we choose to seize it. And as we begin to recognize these exceptional opportunities, we see how they can

· enhance our ability to relate to others · increase our personal energy · foster greater teamwork to deliver breakthrough results · improve our partnerships, personally and professionally

Narrated in short, targeted chapters and interweaving personal stories and anecdotes from his life as a top business speaker, national swimming coach and former corporate vice president, Biro offers a wealth of practical insights and action steps we can apply to our lives - and the secret to creating a dynamic, flourishing and fulfilling career.


A former vice president of a major transportation company and author ofBeyond Success, Brian D. Biro was rated number one out of more than forty speakers at four consecutiveInc.magazine international conferences. He has degrees from Stanford University and UCLA, has appeared onGood Morning America, CNN and FOX, and was a featured speaker at the Disney Institute in Orlando. Biro was recently named one of the top one hundred most inspirational graduates of the UCLA Graduate School of Business and has been honoured as one of the top speakers in the world.

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