Values and Music Education

eBook - Counterpoints: Music and Education

Erschienen am 09.11.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
34,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780253058195
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 328 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


What values should form the foundation of music education? And once we decide on those values, how do we ensure we are acting on them?

InValues and Music Education, esteemed author Estelle R. Jorgensen explores how values apply to the practice of music education. We may declare values, but they can be hard to see in action. Jorgensen examines nine quartets of related values and offers readers a roadmap for thinking constructively and critically about the values they hold. In doing so, she takes a broad view of both music and education while drawing on a wide sweep of multidisciplinary literature. Not only does Jorgensen demonstrate an analytical and dialectical philosophical approach to examining values, but she also seeks to show how theoretical and practical issues are interconnected.

An important addition to the field of music education,Values and Music Education highlights values that have been forgotten or marginalized, underscores those that seem perennial, and illustrates how values can be double-edged swords.


Estelle R. Jorgensen is Professor Emerita of Music Education at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music and University Research Reviewer, Research Methodologist, and Contributing Faculty Member at the Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership at Walden University. Recipient of the 2020 Senior Researcher Award from the National Association for Music Education, she is author ofIn Search of Music Education,Transforming Music Education,The Art of Teaching Music,and Pictures of Music Education and coeditor ofHumane Music Education for the Common Good.


1. Culture, Humanity, Transformation, and Value
2. Artistry, Taste, Skill, and Style
3. Reverence, Humility, Awe, and Spirituality
4. Dignity, Dispassion, Restraint, and Discipline
5. Love, Friendship, Desire, and Devotion
6. Joy, Happiness, Pleasure, and Celebration
7. Fidelity, Persistence, Patience, and Loyalty
8. Curiosity, Imagination, Wonder, and Open-mindedness
9. Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, and Mastery
10. Justice, Equality, Fairness, and Inclusion
11. Commonalities, Resonances, Applications, and Decisions

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